An anthology by Cuban and Cuban-American writers, artists, and scholars celebrating a new era of restored relations between Cuba and the U.S.

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For fifty-five years U.S.-Cuban relations were couched in terms of the Cold War, often pitting Cubans in the diaspora against Cubans who remained in their homeland. This collection of Cuban and Cuban-American writing and art celebrates the informal networks that Cubans in both countries have maintained through artistic, academic, family, and other ties. The book brings together for the first time in English Cuban voices of the second generation, both on the island and in the diaspora. The multivocal and multigenre collection includes both scholarly and creative writing and an impressive range of visual art. Bridges to Cuba/Puentes a Cuba opens a window onto the meaning of nationality, transnationalism, and homeland in our time.

Ruth Behar is the Victor Haim Perera Collegiate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Michigan and author of numerous books.

Read: Ruth Behar interviewed in The Chronicle of Higher Education | Interview
 Interview | Michigan Radio interviews Ruth Behar

Interview | Richard Blanco interviews Ruth Behar

News | Inaugural poet launches Cuba writing project