Legislative Politics and Policy Making, New Series from UMP
Series Editors: Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, Ohio State University and David Canon, University of Wisconsin
We would like to announce our new series "Legislative Politics and Policy Making," which we believe will provide in the years to come, some much-needed reading material for everyone from The Hill to The Classroom. The series will cover both Congress and state legislatures and welcome both quantitative and qualitative work. We envision a series that the best legislative scholars look to as a place to get their work published in and a series that scholars naturally peruse when striving to keep abreast in the field and choose books for seminars and undergraduate classes. We also see the series broadly as it will encompass work on interactions among Congress and other political entities.
Series editor Janet Box-Steffensmeier has strong interests in legislative politics as well as political behavior and methodology. Her legislative publications include topics of congressional campaign finance, representation and electoral advantage in Congress, legislative success and effectiveness, legislative socialization, position taking, vote choice for members, and a current project on congressional politics of the blue slip.
David Canon is clearly situated in legislative politics as his primary field. He is perhaps best known for his work on race and representation (which concerned behavior in Congress), but he has also published work on congressional elections, political careers in Congress, congressional leadership, and the evolution of the legislative committee system. His work includes traditional roll call analysis, analysis of speeches, sponsorship, and co-sponsorship, committee assignments, and congressional leadership.
Please note that we are actively seeking experienced political science and legislative politics writers for this series, and would be obliged to hear about the ideas, projects, and goals of those involved. We look for manuscripts that make an important theoretical contribution, are methodologically rigorous, and address topics of important substantive interest, as well as "insider" books that explore the operation of Congress, and edited volumes that provide accessible versions of recent research on Congress and analysis of congressional politics or cross-over books that address topics such as gender, race, the media, and interest groups and Congress.
Contact editor Melody Herr at mrherr@umich.edu or visit www.press.umich.edu for more information.