Distributed Clients

University of Michigan Alliance for Childhood

American Academy in Rome

American Society of Papyrologists

University of Michigan Bentley Library

University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies

University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies

University of Michigan Center for South Asian Studies

University of Michigan Center for South East Asian Studies

Congregation Shaarey Zadek

University of Michigan Department of Near Eastern Studies

University of Michigan Distribution

Michigan Television

University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology

National Institute for Play

Park Publishing

STAMPS School of Art and Design

University of Michigan Wallenberg Book Committee


Distribution Guidelines

The UM Press may consider entering into long-term distribution and/or marketing arrangements with other scholarly publishers whose mission is aligned with the mission of the UM Press and whose academic standards and processes of peer review are reasonably similar to those of the UM Press. If UMP will not have an opportunity to assess proposed distributed titles individually, the Director of the Press and the faculty Executive Board will review proposals for multi-book distribution arrangements to make sure that they fulfill these general distribution guidelines.