A List of Actual Ideas for a New America

By: kris bishop | Date: December 3, 2008
A List of Actual Ideas for a New America


Imagining America

From: Democracy for America, group blog for Change For Louisville

Written by: Thomas Janowski on Nov 1, 2008 2:44 PM EDT

Linked to groups: dfaROCHESTER

This morning I finished reading a book by Herbert J. Gans. The title is Imagining America in 2033: How The Country Put Itself Together After Bush. [Look Inside HERE]

Some would probably dismiss this book as nothing but a wild fantasy. I'm also sure the release of this book was meant to correspond with the fresh start America needs and will get on election day. And yes, I'll admit that mainstream America will think many, if not most, of the ideas presented are too wild for passage into law or policy. But isn't the dream we all have for a better future worth examining some new, fresh and wild ideas?

I'm going to randomly present a list of ideas from the book--with and without explanation. So here goes:

-Make it against the law to outsource the production of goods/services that were developed via government grants, tax breaks, subsidies.

-Reforestation projects that are combined with windmill farms.

-Develop broad based international hunt for terrorists that is less likely to kill civilians.

-FICA tax should be progressive and without a cap.

-There should be a national consumption tax on luxury items.

-There should be an Obscene Profits Tax on corporations.

-Work with corporations who need government help and fight those corporations that work against the best interests of Americans.


-A wealth tax based on whether people/companies derived their profits from government research grants or were helped with government tax breaks or subsidies.

-End fearmongering associated with the war on terror. Get to a place where Americans are assured everything is being done to protect them and then don't think/worry about it anymore.

-Cabinet members should include blue collar, working class people.

-Heal the economy.

-Small Classroom Initiative.

-Nurse-Doctor (ND) program--this creates a new class of medical professional who would offer a first line of medical care and would make house calls and would be salaried.

-Medicare becomes America's universal health insurance and includes VA services and Medicaid.

-Economic Justice--collecting billions of dollars from those who have evaded taxes

-Legislate against pre-emptive war.

-Assume war is unnecessary until proven otherwise.

-Any decision for war would have to done democratically.

-End funding for missile defense system.

-50 mile per hour speed limits--studies have shown the most fuel efficient speed is around 47 mph.

-Equality would give way to Fairness.

-There will be oil wars.

-Welfare would become 3 programs--Survival Aid, Parenting Help and Escape(to get people off assistance)

-There will be a general decline of religion as a political force.

-Birth control technology will nearly eliminated abortions and therefore the division between the two sides.

-Weight tax on cars.

-Community contrustion would bring living, working and shopping all within walking distances.

-Talent testing--education would be based on a student's strengths.

-Political Education for Democracy.

-UN Observers for troubled election districts.

-House of Representatives would have the option of "NO CONFIDENCE" votes about the President.

-Time for a new Constitutution? An amended Constitution?

-Money does not equal free speech in political campaigns.

-Supreme Court would be made up of 3 Dems, 3 Reps and 3 Indies.