Arnie Bernstein on WGN-Chicago

By: University of Michigan Press | Date: April 17, 2009
Arnie Bernstein on WGN-Chicago


Yesterday in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Columbine school killings, Arnie Bernstein, author of the new UMP title, Bath Massacre, was on Chicago's WGN discussing his book. Watch the segment here:

Long before Columbine and Virgina Tech, the small town of Bath, Michigan was rocked by the blast Andrew Kehoe set off at the school and his farm. The town mourned the deaths of thirty-eight children and six adults. Bath Massacre serves as a reminder that terrorism and large-scale murder are nothing new.

Arnie Bernstein will be holding a launch event on Sunday, April 19th at 2:00 pm at Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore, 7419 W. Madison St., Forest Park, IL. For more information about the event go to: