University of Michigan Press Partners with HathiTrust
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HathiTrust Launch Page
|Press Release: UMP Partners with HathiTrust|
What is HathiTrust?
HathiTrust is a digital repository and research management tool for the United States' great research libraries, focused on providing scholars in the digital age with the largest collection of electronic research material this side of Google Book Search, large-scale full-text searching and archiving tools to manage it, and the ability to very easily flip through and purchase full titles in both print and electronic form.
"Presses have had online previews and PDFs of sample chapters, tables of contents, and sometimes entire books on their websites for years. The HathiTrust partnership is something entirely new that takes into account the actual pursuit of broad dissemination of scholarly information. Security restrictions are in place to protect the integrity of the product, but with HathiTrust, a full-view of the material is there, it's searchable and manageable, and it's available to anyone with access to the Trust. If you want to either search for or happen to come across Michigan Press books, you can view them onscreen anywhere, anytime, and decide if you are interested in making the purchase... This is just one of the many avenues we're pursuing to allow today's readers to find and 'flip through' a book to see if it meets their needs and interests without ever turning an actual page."
—Phil Pochoda, Director of the |
For more information on UMP's Digital Transition,