Call for Ideas & Essays: Writing History in the Digital Age
From DigitalCultureBooks, an innovative partnership between the University of Michigan Library and the University of Michigan Press with the intent of modeling library-press collaboration at U-M and elsewhere. Established in 2006:
Has the digital revolution transformed how we write about the past -- or not? Have new technologies changed our essential work-craft as scholars, and the ways in which we think, author, and publish? Does the digital age have broader implications for individual writing processes, or for the historical profession at large? Explore these questions in Writing History in the Digital Age, a born-digital, open-review edited volume, under contract with the University of Michigan Press for the Digital Humanities Series @ digitalculturebooks, its imprint.
We invite you to contribute in the following ways:
- Post your one-paragraph theme and discuss other ideas by June 30th, 2011.
- Submit a full draft of your essay and bibliography by August 15th, 2011.
- Comment on essays, with invited experts, during the open review in Fall 2011.
Pending final selections, revisions, and approval by the Press, the volume will be published in traditional print and open-access digital versions. We welcome innovative essays that incorporate first-person perspectives, collaborative authorship, and links to online source materials. But each essay, at its core, must address our central theme on digital technology and historical writing.
Read more about essay ideas, post your own, and join the discussion at our website.
Co-editors: Jack Dougherty (Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, USA) and Kristen Nawrotzki (University of Education, Heidelberg, Germany)