Heberlig and Larson Honored with the D.B. Hardeman Prize
The Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation's D. B. Hardeman Prize celebrates its 26th honoree this October, with a gala and $10,000 award for what it deems the year's "most significant book on the U. S. Congress." The University of Michigan Press is pleased to announce that this year's winners of the D. B. Hardeman prize are our very own Eric S. Heberlig and Bruce A. Larson for their outstanding Congressional Parties, Institutional Ambition, and the Financing of Majority Control. Their book is a disquisition on what it means to compete in an electoral process where money is such an important factor.
"Heberlig and Larson get it," writes Larry J. Sabato of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, "Money has always been the mother's milk of politics... The authors have written an eye-opening book..."
So... just how close is American democracy to American plutocracy? There's only one way to find out. Join us in congratulating Professors Heberlig and Larson on their award-winning achievement!