Aristophanes' Clouds
A Commentary
A new text and commentary on one of Aristophanes' greatest and most influential plays.
This is the first substantial commentary on Clouds since Dover’s 1968 edition. Intended for intermediate Greek students at undergraduate and graduate levels, the commentary pays careful attention to the basic characteristics of ancient Greek syntax, as well as to how Greek words are formed and can be analyzed. It offers robust staging notes, information about daily life in late 5th-century Athens, and constant reference to the rhetorical and dramatic strategies of the text. Full support is offered for those interested in the metrical structure of the songs, but in a way that allows instructors to leave such issues aside, should they choose to do so. The first and second appendices offer a basic means of entry into the rich but complex world of the comic fragments. An English-language bibliography is provided. The edition will interest professional classicists of all sorts seeking an accessible introduction to one of Aristophanes’ greatest plays, to philosophers concerned with Socrates and the sophistic movement, and to theater professionals who wish to stage the play.
S. Douglas Olson is Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, University of Minnesota
“This commentary, by one of the most distinguished scholars of Aristophanes, is exemplary for its clarity and balance. It’s not overly cluttered with detailed scholarly discussion that could prove distracting to the user, but at the same time treats the reader as a serious student with genuine interests in the text and gives a taste of where the larger controversies lie. This edition will be universally welcomed and admired by anyone who has ever taught Clouds to a contemporary undergraduate and graduate audience.”
- Ralph M. Rosen, University of Pennsylvania
“The author is to be congratulated on this excellent and stimulating edition which, hopefully, will make a fundamental text like Aristophanes’ Clouds more approachable also by younger students.”
- Exemplaria Classica