An interdisciplinary approach to the politics of peace

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Introduction: A Time for Resolution
James Turner Johnson and John A. Vasquez     1

Part 1: Overview: The Nature of Conflict Resolution

1. Dispute Resolution---The Domestic Arena: A Survey of Methods, Applications, and Critical Issues
Robert A. Baruch Bush     9

2. Pacific, Impartial Third-Party Intervention in International Conflict: A Review and an Analysis
Ronald J. Fisher     39

Part 2. Interconnections between Domestic and Global Conflict Resolution

3. Mediation Practice on the Home Front: Implications for Global Conflict Resolution
Deborah M. Kolb and Eileen F. Babbitt     63

4. Applications and Misapplications of Conflict Resolution Ideas to International Conflicts
Louis Kriesberg     87

5. The Psychology of Social Conflict and Its Relevance to International Conflict
Dean G. Pruitt     103

6. Conflict Provention as a Political System
John W. Burton     115

Part 3. Conflict Resolution in the Global Arena: Opportunities and Obstacles

7. Why Global Conflict Resolution Is Possible: Meeting the Challenges of the New World Order
John A. Vasquez     131

8. International Law and the Peaceful Resolution of Interstate Conflicts
James Turner Johnson     155

9. The Power Cycle and Peaceful Change: Assimilation, Equilibrium, and Conflict Resolution
Charles F. Doran     179

Part 4. Conclusion

10. The Learning of Peace: Lessons from a Multidisciplinary Inquiry
John A. Vasquez

Contributors     229

Index    233


The post-Cold War era has given rise to new issues and disputes. Ethnic and nationalist violence disturb the peace and pose special problems for the strongest states and the United Nations. Beyond Confrontation gives an overview of possible conflict resolution techniques that can be used to help manage and prevent these kinds of disputes in today's new world order. It outlines how to go beyond power politics and establish a politics of resolution.
During the Cold War, traditional techniques of conflict resolution were neglected since they were thought to be irrelevant and generally inapplicable to the relations between states. In the meantime, a vast literature and practice on conflict resolution has grown up on the domestic level that has been largely ignored by international politics specialists. The contributors to this volume cull this literature for the insights it can shed on the process of developing worldwide stability. Moreover, they go beyond traditional discipline boundaries and bring to bear the best current work in political science, social psychology, law, management, sociology, and ethics on the important task of creating a more peaceful world order.
Contributors include James Turner Johnson, John A. Vasquez, Robert A. Baruch Bush, Ronald J. Fisher, Deborah M. Kolb, Eileen E Babbitt, Louis Kriesberg, Dean G. Pruitt, John W. Burton, and Charles E Doran.
John A. Vasquez is Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University James Turner Johnson is University Director of International Programs, Professor of Religion, and Associate of the Graduate Department of Political Science, Rutgers University. Sanford Jaffee is Director of the Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Rutgers University. Linda Stamato is Deputy Director of the Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Rutgers University.

John A. Vasquez is Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University James Turner Johnson is University Director of International Programs, Professor of Religion, and Associate of the Graduate Department of Political Science, Rutgers University.

Sanford Jaffee is Director of the Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Rutgers University.

Linda Stamato is Deputy Director of the Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Rutgers University.