Capturing Troy
The Narrative Functions of Landscape in Archaic and Early Classical Greek Art
An investigation into how imagery on Greek vases is or is not used as narrative, and the extent to which visual imagery depends upon literary sources
Those in the field of classical art will appreciate this investigation of the most common remnant of ancient Greek society available to the modern scholar, the painted vase. Guy Hedreen discusses how the imagery on Greek vases is only sometimes used as a narrative device, and delves further into the extent to which visual imagery depends upon literary sources. With the backdrop of one of the world's earliest, and some would argue greatest stories ever told, the sacking of Troy, Hedreen brings the reader into one of the most current and persistent topics in the art world: Narrative vs. Art. Employing a wide range of stunning visual imagery to illustrate his points, this insightful original text, Capturing Troy is a valuable new contribution to the subject, accessible to the learned scholar and beginning student alike.
Guy Michael Hedreen is Professor of Art, Williams College.