Table of contents

Editorial Remarks
Introduction: A Papyrological Perspective on Christians and Muslims in Early Islamic Egypt
Lajos Berkes
Egypt and the Caliphate
Imperial Arabic: Some Notes on Visual Symbolism
            Eugenio Garosi
Imperial Policies and the Organization of the War Fleet in Early-Islamic Egypt
            Jelle Bruning
Adapting to New Realities: Administration and Bureaucracy
Babylone - Fusṭāṭ dans les sources papyrologiques coptes
            Anne Boud’hors
The Overseers of the Barns of Babylon: Two Arabic-Greek Receipts (P.Christ.Musl. 1–3)
            Lajos Berkes – James M.S. Cowey – Naïm Vanthieghem
À propos de Ḥayyān b. Surayǧ. Un surintendant des finances égyptien de l’époque omeyyade (P.Christ.Musl. 4–5)
            Naïm Vanthieghem
Nouveaux textes sur les pagarques du Fayoum au viiie siècle (P.Christ.Musl. 6–24)
            Esther Garel – Naïm Vanthieghem
Rāshid b. Khālid: An amīr in Middle Egypt under the Umayyads
            Nikolaos Gonis
Western Thebes and the Arab Administration of Pre-Abbassid Egypt
            Jennifer Cromwell
Naming Practices and Language Change
Remarques textuelles et méthodologiques sur les surnoms et sobriquets dans les papyrus tardifs (autour des P.Apoll.)
Jean Gascou
Draft of a Late Coptic Letter (P.Christ.Musl. 25)
Anne Boud’hors – Maher Eissa
Bilingualism and Mono-/Bigraphia at the Nexus of Magical Traditions: From Egyptian-Greek to Coptic-Arabic Magical Texts
            Edward O.D. Love


This volume collects studies exploring the relationship of Christians and Muslims in everyday life in Early Islamic Egypt (642–10th c.) focusing mainly, but not exclusively on administrative and social history. The contributions concentrate on the papyrological documentation preserved in Greek, Coptic, and Arabic. By doing so, this book transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries and offers results based on a holistic view of the documentary material. The articles of this volume discuss various aspects of change and continuity from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt and offer also the (re)edition of 23 papyrus documents in Greek, Coptic, and Arabic. The authors provide a showcase of recent papyrological research on this under-studied, but dynamically evolving field.

After an introduction by the editor of the volume that outlines the most important trends and developments of the period, the first two essays shed light on Egypt as part of the Caliphate. The following six articles, the bulk of the volume, deal with the interaction and involvement of the Egyptian population with the new Muslim administrative apparatus. The last three studies of the volume focus on naming practices and language change.

Lajos Berkes is Lecturer in the Theology Faculty in the Institute for Christianity and the Ancient World at Humboldt University.

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