Analyzes Germany's new role in world politics

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The Study of Germany in Comparative Politics 11
Political Behavior 31
The Making of a Democratic Society 33
Political Economy 59
The Politics of German Economic Policy 61
Shock without Therapy 77
The Case for Optimism 93
Women Politics and Society 115
Women in West Germany from 1945 to the Present 117
The New Womens Movement 137
Women and Politics in United Germany 147
The Politics of Abortion in United Germany 167
InterGerman Relations the Demise of the GDR and the Politics of Unification 189
Explaining InterGerman Cooperation in the 1980s 191
The Collapse of the German Democratic Republic and Its Unification with the Federal Republic of Germany 1989-90 207
The Rise of a Radical Right as a Structural Feature 235
Germany and Its External Environment 269
Should Europe Fear the Germans? 271
Germanys Future and Its Unmastered Past 291
Understanding the Relationship 301
German Security Policy and the Future European Security Order 321
Conclusion 347
Continuity Change and the Study of Germany in the New Europe 349
A Chronology 369
Index 381


The unification of Germany and the decline of superpower conflict in Europe has heightened interest in the “new” Germany. From Bundesrepublik to Deutschland: German Politics after Unification examines how political scientists have historically treated Germany and explores the issues and approaches needed to accommodate the increased importance of the country within Europe. Structured by issue areas, this volume includes sections on political economy; women in politics; inner-German relations and the reintegration of the western and eastern regions of the country; political behavior; Germany and the European Community; security issues; and the role of Germany in the field of comparative politics. Each chapter examines the development of relevant literature and is followed by an essay that charts new areas for, and approaches to, research.