An essential bibliographical tool for researchers of Chinese social, cultural, and religious history.


First published in 1988 in response to the growing need for documentation concerning local history in the late imperial period, Geographical Sources provides bibliographical data regarding two distinct genres: route books, and topographical and institutional gazetteers. In its second edition, this essential research tool has been completely revised and expanded with close to one hundred new entries, which provide complete coverage of these important sources for research in Chinese social, cultural, and religious history. The separate introductions to the two genres introduce the student to the history and uses of these materials. In addition to providing bibliographic data and noting variant editions, each entry provides locations where a work or its later editions can be found, whether in North America, Europe, China, or Japan.

Timothy Brook is Professor of Chinese History, University of Toronto. His recent works include books on commerce and capitalism in China, national identity in Asia, opium, and the Rape of Nanking.