Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Vol. 51 (2006) / 52 (2007)
Tools and Scripts for Cursing in Early Modern and Medieval Ireland
Lisa M. Bitel -
"MONVMENTA ROMAE": An Alternative Title-Page for the Duke of Sessa's Personal Copy of the SPECULUM ROMANAE MAGNIFICENTIAE
Louis Cellauro -
The Battle of Zama after Giulio Romano: Part II
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus: A Renaissance exemplum virtutis
Elfriede R. Knauer -
The Woman from Frosinone: Honorific Portrait Statues of Roman Imperial Women
Molly Lindner -
The Separation of Curses from Blessings in the Latin West
Lester Little -
"Lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba": Martial and Morality in the Quattrocento
David Marsh -
Poussin and the Ethics of Imitation
Richard T. Neer -
Public and Private Places of Worship in the Cult of Asclepius at Rome
Gil Renberg -
Bramantne's Hetruscan Tempietto
Ingrid Rowland -
Piccolomini Among the Illustrious
Francis Noel Thomas