Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Vol. 61 (2016)
The latest memoirs from the American Academy in Rome
This volume represents the American Academy in Rome, its fellows, and the international community who use its excellent facilities. The Memoirs present a selection of articles on topics such as Roman archaeology, ancient and modern Italian history, Latin literature, and Italian art and architectural history.
Volume 61 includes the following essays and articles: “Athens, Etruria, Rome, Baltimore: Reconstructing the Biography of an Ancient Greek Vase,” by Sheramy D. Bundrick; “Made from Life: A Roman Terracotta Portrait in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,” by Peter Schertz, Pamela Hatchfield, Richard Newman, and Reno Pisano, with Rajiv Gupta and Benjamin Reichardt; “Forgery and the Antiquarian Tradition: The Identification of Horace’s Sabine Villa at Vacone,” by Matthew Notarian, Dylan Bloy, and Gary D. Farney; “Before and Below the Baths of Trajan (Rome),” by Rita Volpe; “Philostratus’ Gymnasticus: The Ethics of an Athletic Aesthetic,” by Heather L. Reid; “Baldassarre Peruzzi at Saint Peter’s: The American Academy Plan and Peruzzi’s modello of 1521,” by Peter W. Parsons; “Giovanni Battista Palumba’s Mythological Progeny,” by Giancarlo Fiorenza; “The School of Athens: Theologians Reconciling Philosophy and Astrology,” by Mary Quinlan-McGrath; “From Palace to Paradise: The Transformation of the Palazzo Sanseverino into the Gesù Nuovo in Naples,” by Maria Ann Conelli; and “Vasi, Piranesi, and the Accademia degli Arcadi: Toward a Definition of Arcadianism in the Visual Arts,” by Susan M. Dixon. The volume closes with a special section, “New Work on the Archaeology of Late Antique Rome,” which includes three pieces: “Late Antique Restoration and Consolidation of the Aqua Claudia,” by Valeria Bartoloni and Laura Braccalenti; “Hemicycle of the Circus Maximus: Synthesis of the Late Antique Phases Revealed by Recent Investigations,” by Marialetizia Buonfiglio, Stefania Pergola, and Gian Luca Zanzi, with an Appendix by Domenica Dininno and Alessandro Vecchione; and “Piazza Augusto Imperatore, Excavations 2007–2011: The Late Antique Transformations,” by Caterina Maria Coletti and Ersilia Maria Loreti.
Kimberly Bowes is Associate Professor of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, and has been Director of the American Academy in Rome.