Look Inside


George Bornstein     1

Part 1. Editorial Theory Today

Editorial and Critical Theory: From Modernism to Postmodernism
D.C. Greetham     9

Polymorphic, Polysemic, Protean, Reliable, Electronic Texts
Peter L. Shillingsburg     29

I Shall Be Spoken: Textual Boundaries, Authors, and Intent
Ralph G. Williams     45

Feminism and Editing Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley: The Editor And?/Or? the Text
Betty T. Bennett     67

Part 2. Editing Literature

Religion, Rhetoric, and Editorial Technique: Reconstructing the Classics
James E.G. Zetzel     99

The Renaissance and the End of Editing
Gary Taylor     121

The Case of The Ambassadors and the Textual Condition
Jerome McGann     151

What Is the Text of a Poem by Yeats?
George Bornstein     167

On Textual Criticism and Editing: The Case of Joyce's Ulysses
Hans Walter Gabler     195

Part 3. Editing in Other Disciplines

Editing the Editors: Translation and Elucidation of the Text of the Bible
David Noel Freedman     227

The Grime of the Centuries Is a Pigment of the Imagination: Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling
Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt     257

Benjamin Franklin's Correspondence: Whose Intent? What Text? I Don't Know's the Author
Barbara Oberg     271

Translations and Adaptations of Operatic Texts
Philip Gossett     285

Editing Martin Luther King, Jr.: Political and Scholarly Issues
Clayborne Carson     305

Contributors     317


Distinguished scholars discuss editorial theory and how it is applied across the humanities