Look Inside


Preface - vii

Abbreviations - xi

1. Introduction - 1

Soviet Gains

2. Soviet Lessons from the Vietnam War: A Crucial Case for Deterrence Theory . . . Which It Does Not Pass - 35

3. Soviet Lessons from Angola, Ethiopia, and Afghanistan: The "Arc of Crisis" as a Crucial Case - 61

4. Soviet Lessons from Iran and Nicaragua: Deterrence Theory Fails Another Easy Test - 117

Soviet Losses

5. Grenada 1983: Sufficient, but Unneccessary and Inferior - 153

6. The Middle East, 1967-80: A Boon for Deterrence, but Proof of the Need for an Expansion of the Theory - 163

7. Ghana 1966: The Deterrent Case That Didn't Bark - 209

8. Conclusion: Deterrence Theory Revised - 233

Appendixes - 243

Bibliography - 255

Index - 305


Questions the role of military power in deterring would-be aggressor nations

Ted Hopf is Assistant Professor of Political Science; Faculty Associate, Center for Russian and East European Studies; and Assistant Research Scientist, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.