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Copyright © 2007, University of Michigan. All rights reserved.


Project Care provides a mix of case studies, multimedia, and project-based activities. It includes four units on health care topics for individuals who are working in a health care setting or who have friends or relatives in need of support.  In each unit, students are presented with a case study of a person with a health issue. After learning about each health issue, they discover ways to help someone in need. Students view videos of professionals sharing their opinions on the issues. Myriad activities prepare students for projects that offer in-depth exploration of the topics while offering practice in various skills in English. The text emphasizes understanding some of the health-related vocabulary useful to understanding medical personnel.

The book can be used to supplementa language skills-based text in a variety of educational settings where health care is a topic of interest to students. It can also be used to augment or introduce the intensive study of a specific health issue by moving from medical details of a disease previously covered with a class to a discussion and investigation on how best to help others with the illness.