Saving New Sounds

Podcast Preservation and Historiography

Subjects: Media Studies
Open Access : 9780472901241, 286 pages, 18 illustrations, 3 tables, 6 x 9, July 2021
Paperback : 9780472054473, 286 pages, 18 illustrations, 3 tables, 6 x 9, July 2021

Support for this research was provided by the University of Wisconsin - Madison Office of the ViceChancellor for Research and Graduate Education with funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.
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How can we save and preserve the booming sonic cultures emerging in podcasts?


Over seventy-five million Americans listen to podcasts every month, and the average weekly listener spends over six hours tuning into podcasts from the more than thirty million podcast episodes currently available. Yet despite the excitement over podcasting, the sounds of podcasting’s nascent history are vulnerable and they remain mystifyingly difficult to research and preserve. Podcast feeds end abruptly, cease to be maintained, or become housed in proprietary databases, which are difficult to search with any rigor. Podcasts might seem to be highly available everywhere, but it’s necessary to preserve and analyze these resources now, or scholars will find themselves writing, researching, and thinking about a past they can’t fully see or hear.

This collection gathers the expertise of leading and emerging scholars in podcasting and digital audio in order to take stock of podcasting’s recent history and imagine future directions for the format. Essays trace some of the less amplified histories of the format and offer discussions of some of the hurdles podcasting faces nearly twenty years into its existence. Using their experiences building and using the PodcastRE database—one of the largest publicly accessible databases for searching and researching podcasts—the volume editors and contributors reflect on how they, as media historians and cultural researchers, can best preserve podcasting’s booming audio cultures and the countless voices and perspectives podcasting adds to our collective soundscape.

Jeremy Wade Morris is Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Eric Hoyt is the Kahl Family Professor of Media Production at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

“This is a must-read collection within podcast studies and sound studies, and offers an essential contribution to media history and historiography. It will also stand as a key historical document itself; the collection is a snapshot of podcasting at a historical moment, much like early histories of film and television.”

- Christine Becker, University of Notre Dame

Saving New Sounds presents a rich array of scholarly analyses and displays a welcome historical consciousness—both in acknowledging podcasting’s decades-old existence, and in foregrounding questions of whose sounds are saved to ensure that its past and present remain accessible and legible to future generations. Addressing issues of podcasting technology, industry, aesthetics, and preservation, its contributors offer valuable insights on this ubiquitous but understudied area of our contemporary audio culture.”

- Shawn VanCour, UCLA

"The book makes a powerful case for podcast producers to think carefully about the future of their audio work as part and parcel of their production process." 

- H-Podcast

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