A new volume in the distinguished annual that presents the latest and best Yeats criticism


Yeats XIV features eight fresh essays, ranging from Ann Marie Adams's consideration of Yeats's changing conception of femininity through George Bornstein's thoughts on a prototype for the Yeats Hypermedia Project and Susan Shaw Sailer's "Yeats's Postmodern Vision: The 'Unpresentable,' Narrative Knowledge, and the Comic." Barry Wallenstein offers a tribute to Yeats critic M. L. Rosenthal, Jonathan Allison considers Seamus Heaney's Yeats, and new work by Bernard McKenna on The Countess Cathleen, Russell Murphy on "W. B. Yeats, the Christ Pantokrator, and the Soul's History (The Photographic Record)," and William H. O'Donnell on the illustrations to Later Essays rounds out the collection.
The volume also includes a comprehensive Yeats bibliography for 1994-1995, a compilation of dissertation abstracts (1995), and a host of reviews of new editions and studies of Yeats's works.
Richard J. Finneran is Hodges Chair of Excellence Professor of English, University of Tennessee at Knoxville.