1. Introduction and Overview by Alan V. Deardorff and Robert M. Stern 1
Part 1: Trade Barriers and Sectoral Liberalization
2. Multilateral Trade Negotiations and Preferential Trading Arrangements by Alan V. Deardorff and Robert M. Stern 27
Ronald W. Jones
Gary R. Saxonhouse
3. On the Importance and Extent of Rent Sharing in the Multi-Fibre Arrangement: Evidence from U.S.-Hong Kong Trade in Apparel by Kala Krishna and Ling Hui Tan 95
T.N. Srinivasan
James A. Levinsohn
4. Reforming the European Community's Common Agricultural Policy: Who Stands to Gain? by Thomas W. Hertel, Mark Gehlar, and Robert A. McDougall 139
Drusilla K. Brown
Stephen W. Salant
Part II. The GATT System
5. Do Rules Control Power? GATT Articles and Arrangements in the Uruguay Round by J. Michael Finger and Sumana Dhar 195
J. David Richardson
Matthew D. Shapiro
6. The Trade Effects of Antidumping Investigations: Theory and Evidence by Robert W. Staiger and Frank A. Wolak 231
7. Quid Pro Quo Restraint and Spurious Injury: Subsidies and the Prospect of CDVs by Michael P. Leidy 263
Robert E. Baldwin
Dan O'Brien
8. Optimal Pursuit of Safeguard Actions Over Time by Wolfgang Mayer 315
Anne O. Krueger
9. GATT, Dispute Settlement, and Cooperation by Dan Kovenock and Marie Thursby 361
Rodney Ludema
John G. Cross
Part III. New Issues
10. Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights: Issue and Exploratory Results by Keith E. Maskus and Denise Eby Konan 401
Dani Rodrik
Richard C. Porter
11. TRIMS, Policy Change, and the Role of the GATT by John Mutti 455
Gene M. Grossman
Joel Slemrod
12. Conceptual and Political Economy Issues in Liberalizing International Transactions in Services by Bernard M. Hoekman 501
James R. Melvin
Part IV. Future of the GATT System
13. Fair Trade, Reciprocity and Harmonization: The New Challenge to the Theory and Policy of Free Trade by Jagdish Bhagwati 547
John H. Jackson
Conference Participants 611
Author Index 615
Subject Index 621