International Economics

Showing 1 to 25 of 83 results.

A Study of Crisis

with a new Preface

A comprehensive study of the causes and consequences of war in the twentieth century

Economic Exchange and Social Interaction in Southeast Asia

Perspectives from Prehistory, History, and Ethnography

Uncovers patterns of social interaction made visible through scenarios of economic exchange

Nourish the People

The State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650–1850

An exhaustive analysis of the Chinese state civilian granary system by a team of scholars

Greening China

Trade and foreign direct investment can have a positive effect on the environment

Governance and Foreign Investment in China, India, and Taiwan

Credibility, Flexibility, and International Business

The type of government and the interplay of macro- and microlevel political institutions affect a country’s ability to attract foreign investment

Greening China

The Benefits of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment

Trade and foreign direct investment can have a positive effect on the environment

Embedded Politics

Industrial Networks and Institutional Change in Postcommunism

An empirical analysis of changing industrial processes in the postcommunist Czech Republic

The Liberal Illusion

Does Trade Promote Peace?

A powerful refutation of the assumption that international trade automatically promotes world peace

Much Ado about Culture

North American Trade Disputes

Examines trade disputes between Canada and the United States over the cultural industries and proposes a way to resolve such conflicts

Trading Blocs

States, Firms, and Regions in the World Economy

An examination of the domestic politics involved in the creation of trading blocs

Curbing Bailouts

Bank Crises and Democratic Accountability in Comparative Perspective

Do democratic governments and authoritarian regimes respond to banking crises in the same way?

International Trade and Human Rights

Foundations and Conceptual Issues (World Trade Forum, Volume 5)

The World Trade Forum 2001 on Trade and Human Rights addressed the most controversial issues in the debate on globalization

Trade Threats, Trade Wars

Bargaining, Retaliation, and American Coercive Diplomacy

A multidisciplinary approach that offers practical policy prescriptions

Handbook for International Management Research

A completely updated edition of the definitive guide for researchers in international management

Reluctant Partners

A History of Multilateral Trade Cooperation, 1850-2000

Examines how and why nations have succeeded in forming cooperative trade arrangements

Economic Interdependence and International Conflict

New Perspectives on an Enduring Debate

A cutting-edge collection of essays on the critical question of the relationship between economic interdependence and conflict among states

Intellectual Property

Trade, Competition, and Sustainable Development The World Trade Forum, Volume 3

Focuses on the WTO and intellectual property rights in international law

Reinventing the State

Economic Strategy and Institutional Change in Peru

The first comprehensive political economic overview of Peru in over two decades

Economic Reforms in Chile

From Dictatorship to Democracy

An analysis of the neoliberal reform in Chile during the last thirty years