The Stability of Metals at Elevated Temperatures
The research in The Stability of Metals at Elevated Temperatures was undertaken for the purpose of answering three questions: first, what relation, if any, exists between the results obtained from short-time tensile and long-time creep tests?; second, what are the factors affecting the stability of metals at elevated temperatures?; and third, what mathematical relationship exists between the variables encountered in long-time testing?
In regard to the first, it has been concluded that whether or not any relationship exists between these two forms of testing depends entirely upon the temperature range being considered.
In regard to the second, it has been concluded that the stability may be increased by increasing the strength of the weakest phase present. That above the equi-cohesive temperature, the amorphous phase, is the weaker, while below, the crystalline phase is the weaker of the two.
In regard to the third, mathematical equations have been developed connecting together stress and time for any particular temperature and any particular metal.