Mathematics and Engineering

Showing 1 to 25 of 37 results.

Complex Systems in the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Theory, Method and Application

Complexity systems are at the heart of behavior

Strung Together

The Cultural Currency of String Theory as a Scientific Imaginary

An examination of the cultural influence of string theory in scientific and popular discourse

The Philosophers' Game

Rithmomachia in Medieval and Renaissance Europe with an Edition of Ralph Lever and William Fulke, The Most Noble, Auncient, and Learned Playe (1563)

An exploration of the history of a mathematical board game played in medieval and Renaissance Europe

Frontinus' Legacy

Essays on Frontinus' de aquis urbis Romae

A joint study edited by a hydraulics engineer and a classicist, focusing on Frontinus' writings on Roman aqueducts

Pushing the Envelope

The American Aircraft Industry

The most comprehensive history of the aircraft manufacturing industry to date

A Creation of His Own

Tappan's Detroit Observatory

Brings to life the fascinating story of this physical legacy of the University of Michigan's first president, Henry Philip Tappan

The First Electronic Computer

The Atanasoff Story

Tells of the design, construction, and subsequent controversy over the first special-purpose electronic computer

Blaschke Products

Bounded Analytic Functions

Theory of Land Locomotion

The Mechanics of Vehicle Mobility

Psychophysical Thresholds

Experimental Studies of Methods of Measurement

Igy: Year of Discovery

the story of the International Geophysical Year

Handbook of Mechanical Wear

Wear, Frettage, Pitting, Cavitation, Corrosion