
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results.

For Dear Life

Women's Decriminalization and Human Rights in Focus

A bold journey through images that bear witness to the tenacious power of art and activism

Body Parts of Empire

Visual Abjection, Filipino Images, and the American Archive

A cross-disciplinary reading of American popular culture at a time of U.S. imperialism and the occupation of the Philippine Islands.

Dean Worcester's Fantasy Islands

Photography, Film, and the Colonial Philippines

A biography of the man whose photographic activities had a profound influence on the way that Americans perceived the Philippines throughout the twentieth century

The New Woman International

Representations in Photography and Film from the 1870s through the 1960s

An international picture of New Woman in film and photography

Being in Pictures

An Intimate Photo Memoir

The first book-length collection devoted to the extraordinary work of celebrated artist Joanne Leonard

Monte Nagler's Michigan

Stunning black-and-white photographs by a master landscape photographer reveal the beauty of Michigan

Takebe Ayatari

A Bunjin Bohemian in Early Modern Japan

A multi-faceted look at the life and milieu of a mid-eighteenth-century aesthete

The Cult of Kasuga Seen Through Its Art

A detailed and animating study of the syncretic cult of Kasuga Shrine at its height in the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries