Environmental Studies

Showing 1 to 25 of 40 results.

The Politics of Beginning

The Origin of Private Authority in the Process of Translation

Developing our understanding of how to translate values into new political projects

Garden of Egypt

Irrigation, Society, and the State in the Premodern Fayyum

Examining how relationships with water flow through Egyptian history

Climate Games

Experiments on How People Prevent Disaster

Experiments reveal people can work together to prevent climate change

Twisting in the Wind

The Politics of Tepid Transitions to Renewable Energy

Political barriers to clean energy transitions

Lightning Birds

An Aeroecology of the Airwaves

A work of interdisciplinary scholarship at the crossroads of radio history, ornithology, sound studies, and ecocriticism

Cultural Values and Human Ecology in Southeast Asia

Gathers seventeen diverse perspectives on human ecology in Southeast Asia with a conceptual framework—cultural values—designed to bridge social and natural science paradigms

Climate Change Solutions

Beyond the Capital-Climate Contradiction

Capitalism and climate change solutions are incompatible

Mountains Without Handrails

Reflections on the National Parks

With a New Foreword by Holly Doremus

A controversial, informed, and important look at the protection and management of America’s national parks

The Woman Who Knew Too Much, Revised Ed.

Alice Stewart and the Secrets of Radiation

2nd Edition

The life story of the epidemiologist who discovered the harmful effects of fetal X rays and other radiation exposure

Risk Criticism

Precautionary Reading in an Age of Environmental Uncertainty

Novels, films, theater, poetry, visual art, websites, news reports, and essays give context to environmental risk

Feather Brained

My Bumbling Quest to Become a Birder and Find a Rare Bird on My Own

Memoirist Bob Tarte returns with another hilarious look into his birdbrained world

The Double-Crested Cormorant

Symbol of Ecological Conflict

The struggle of a maligned and mistreated bird to compete with human interests

The Xavante in Transition

Health, Ecology, and Bioanthropology in Central Brazil

Illuminates the experience of a small-scale culture with large-scale change

Cattle Bring Us to Our Enemies

Turkana Ecology, Politics, and Raiding in a Disequilibrium System

An in-depth look at the ecology, history, and politics of land use among the Turkana pastoral people in Northern Kenya

Rethinking Sustainability

Power, Knowledge, and Institutions

Provides important guideposts toward a more complete theory of sustainable human and economic development

Growth Triumphant

The Twenty-first Century in Historical Perspective

An economic historian and demographer considers what the world, freed from material need, will look like

The Cult of Statistical Significance

How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs, Justice, and Lives

How the most important statistical method used in many of the sciences doesn't pass the test for basic common sense

The Wolves of Isle Royale

A Broken Balance

A new edition of a classic: the compelling firsthand account of an ancient predator-prey relationship---the Isle Royale wolf and moose dynamic

Natures Past

The Environment and Human History

A global examination of how human communities have interacted with different kinds of natural environments through their cultural, social and economic activities

Americans and Their Land

The House Built on Abundance

The story of Americans' relation to land, how it has changed in the face of diminishing resources, and what the future may hold

The Land between the Rivers

Thomas Nuttall's Ascent of the Arkansas, 1819

A retelling of Thomas Nuttall's near-death expedition up the Arkansas River in the early years of the nineteenth century

Natural Coincidence

The Trip from Kalamazoo

Essays filled with affection, sophistication, and down-home common sense in an engagingly understated style by this prolific naturalist

Imagining Wild America

Sheds light on notions of wilderness as reflected in the works of American authors from Audubon to Mary Oliver

The Huron River

Voices from the Watershed

A collection of prose and poetry that celebrates the river and our lives