Michigan Studies in Comparative Jewish Cultures (Series)

Michigan Studies in Comparative Jewish Cultures will emphasize the dynamic interplay of Jews as historical subjects, Judaism as faith and practice, and Jewishness as a repertoire of cultural practices with other peoples and cultures. It will address a wide range of cultural forms, including art and theater, music and film, in relation to literature and history. It will pay attention to asymmetrical social arrangements often characteristic of Jewish life, global political forces, and hegemonic textual practices. The volumes it publishes will further multiculturalism in Jewish studies even as it provides interconnected frames of reference. New arenas of scholarship, such as translation studies and diaspora studies, hold much promise as part of this series. We expect that the series will encourage consideration of intercultural contact, translation practices, and multiethnic networks emphasizing circulation of ideas, peoples, economies and languages.

This series is closed for submissions.

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results.

Strange Cocktail

Translation and the Making of Modern Hebrew Poetry

A compelling exploration of the relation between translation and writing in the development of modern Hebrew poetry

Strangers in Berlin

Modern Jewish Literature between East and West, 1919–1933

Insightful look at the interactions between German and migrant Jewish writers and the creative spectrum of Jewish identity

Franz Kafka

Subversive Dreamer

An erudite analysis of the critical and subversive dimensions of Kafka’s writings

Never Better!

The Modern Jewish Picaresque

A fascinating study of the picaresque protagonists of Yiddish literature and their minority authors

Languages of Modern Jewish Cultures

Comparative Perspectives

A fascinating discussion of Jewish multiculturalism through the range of Jewish lingualisms, cultures, and history

Nothing Happened

Charlotte Salomon and an Archive of Suicide

A close look at Charlotte Salomon's fantastical autobiography Life? or Theater? and the way that German social history has omitted the stories of German Jewish women and suicide