The New Public Scholarship (Series)

The New Public Scholarship encourages alliances between scholars and communities by publishing writing that emerges from publicly engaged and intellectually consequential cultural work. The series focuses on the U.S., although it actively seeks work that introduces comparative or global frameworks. We hope that the series will attract serious readers who are invested in both creating and thinking about public culture and public life. Under the rubric of "public scholar," we embrace campus-based artists, humanists, cultural critics and engaged artists working in the public, nonprofit, or private sector. The editors seek useful work growing out of engaged practices in cultural and educational arenas. We are also interested in books that offer new paradigms for doing and theorizing public scholarship itself. Indeed, validating public scholarship through an evolving set of concepts and arguments is central to The New Public Scholarship.
This series is no longer accepting submissions.

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results.

Finding Voice

A Visual Arts Approach to Engaging Social Change

A model for cultural activism and pedagogy through art and community engagement

Learning Legacies

Archive to Action through Women's Cross-Cultural Teaching

Examines pedagogy as a toolkit for social change, and the urgent need for cross-cultural collaborative teaching methods

For the Civic Good

The Liberal Case for Teaching Religion in the Public Schools

A case for teaching classes on world religion and the Bible in public schools

The Word on the Street

Linking the Academy and the Common Reader

Timely critical insights into today's growing initiative in publicly engaged scholarship

Is William Martinez Not Our Brother?

Twenty Years of the Prison Creative Arts Project

A prison arts program attempts to reverse the trends of incarceration in America