A publication series dedicated to the study of 20th and 21st century China, China Understandings Today (CUT) seeks to present the latest and most innovative scholarship in the social sciences and the humanities to the academic community as well as the general public. China Understandings Today invites publication proposals from scholars engaged in the study of China from historical, comparative, and/or multi-disciplinary perspectives. The series editors are committed to promoting interdisciplinary studies and to encouraging new forms of scholarship; the series is also interested in quality translations of select scholarship in Chinese.
The Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies provides support for manuscript workshops for books in the China Understandings Today series as well as an open access publication subvention.
Series Editors
Mary Gallagher, University of Michigan
Emily Wilcox, William & Mary
Please send inquiries to ChinaSeriesEditors@umich.edu.