Urban Studies

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results.

Seeking a Future for the Past

Space, Power, and Heritage in a Chinese City

An ethnography that illuminates the political economy of urbanization in contemporary China

Congo Style

From Belgian Art Nouveau to African Independence

Examines the impact of colonial Belgium’s influence on the Congo’s visual culture

Mobilizing the Metropolis

How the Port Authority Built New York

Durable lessons from New York on collaboration, leadership, and overcoming complex political challenges

Entrepreneurial Seoulite

Culture and Subjectivity in Hongdae, Seoul

A lucid narration of post-financial crisis urbanism in Seoul and the vivid experiences of living through the city in transition

Broadway Rhythm

Imaging the City in Song

Imaginative walking tours that retrace the map of Manhattan as it resonates with the music of Broadway


A Setting For Excellence, Part II

The Story of the Planning and Development of the Ann Arbor Campus of the University of Michigan

An important contribution to understanding the evolution of the American university

A Setting For Excellence, Part II

The Story of the Planning and Development of the Ann Arbor Campus of the University of Michigan

An important contribution to understanding the evolution of the American university

Detroit Is No Dry Bones

The Eternal City of the Industrial Age

A photographic record of almost three decades of Detroit’s changing urban fabric

Beyond the Bauhaus

Cultural Modernity in Breslau, 1918-33

Reclaims the essential role that the city of Breslau played in the origins of aesthetic modernism in the Weimar era

The Black Musician and the White City

Race and Music in Chicago, 1900-1967

An exploration of the history of African American musicians in Chicago during the mid-20th century

The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit

A guide to the emergence of alternative urban cultures in the wake of Detroit's economic decline

The Wire

Race, Class, and Genre

Wide-ranging perspectives on "the best dramatic series ever created"