Exploring the platformization of the Korean Wave and its connection to cultural industries
An ethnography of South Korea’s lay investors and aspiring millionaires that demonstrates how South Korea’s capitalism thrives on its critiques
Examining the struggle to align high-growth economic models with the egalitarian promises of democracy
A multifaceted exploration of the South Korean film industry
An interdisciplinary look at gender and sexuality in contemporary South Korea
Examines the roles of industrialization and tertiary education in Korea’s nonlinear path to democracy
Essays by leading scholars expand understandings of theatrical realism through East Asian performances across premodern, modern, and contemporary periods
Explores the forgotten archives and life writings of Korean War refugees
Offers a new framework for understanding ethnic and racial difference in Korea
Nationalism as a path to international peace
Twelve chapters, portraying diverse aspects of the contemporary Korean families and showing how they have come to have their current shapes
The first comprehensive volume examining the state, stakes, and future direction of Korean cinema studies.
Foremost scholars of 1980s South Korea bring new perspectives on this pivotal period, expanding the horizons of Korean cultural studies by reassessing old conventions and adding new narratives
A lucid narration of post-financial crisis urbanism in Seoul and the vivid experiences of living through the city in transition
A rigorously historical investigation into the ongoing issues in Japan-Korea relations and how and why both governments have acted—and not acted—to address them
A broad range of scholars explores the many avenues of cultural production during the Yusin period, casting new light on how it challenged and conformed to the ambitions of the state power
How geopolitics influence free trade agreements in South Korea
Illuminates how one folktale serves as a living record of the evolving cultures and relationships of China and Korea
Challenges our understanding of transgression— its causes, goals, and motives— across a comprehensive reading of South Korean media
An illuminating study of how former Korean “comfort women” and their supporters have redressed history through protests, tribunals, theater, and memorial-building projects
An engaging and comprehensive look at the Korean smartphone industry and culture
The first scholarly volume to investigate the impact of social media and other communication technologies on the global dissemination of the Korean Wave
A rare glimpse into North Korean propaganda—in parades, posters, murals, theater, and films