Examines how decentralization affects local communities
Discovering why autocrats may not be in total control
Assessing the condition and potential trajectories of India’s democracy
Exploring the surprising strengths and weaknesses of the Arab state
An in-depth look at why autonomy movements fail or succeed
How citizens casting an invalid vote still contribute to democracy
Examines the roles of industrialization and tertiary education in Korea’s nonlinear path to democracy
The surprising symbiosis between dictators and citizen lobbyists complicates our understanding of autocratic regimes
Long-term effects of the Arab Spring
Dictators don't dance
Dictators don't dance
Why Opposition Parties Use Alliances to Fight Autocracy, and When They Don't
Human motivation and historical influence in political development
How US foreign policy affects state repression
Accountability and corruption in Ukraine
What topples a statue?
How elites influenced major electoral reform in the emerging democracy of Indonesia
The 2015 Argentine election shows how voting decisions vary across developing democracies